International Conferences
To Be Updated.
Yoon, H.S.*, and Kim, J.H., 2025, "Angle-independent structural color through multiple patterns via ultra-precision machining," 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Process & Technology (ICMPT 2025), Korean Soc Manuf Process Eng, February 10-13, The Stones Hotel - Legian, Bali, Indonesia.
Baek, H.J., Shin, J.H., Kim, S.W., and Yoon, H.S.*, 2025, "Pressurization positioning strategy for three-point bending of ball screw to improve straightness," 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Process & Technology (ICMPT 2025), Korean Soc Manuf Process Eng, February 10-13, The Stones Hotel - Legian, Bali, Indonesia.
Song, J., Choi, J., Hong, S.H., Lee, Y.J., Yoon, H.S., and Choi, J.H.*, 2024, "Subtle impulsive noise detection by vibration sensor in automotive power door system: Kurtosis-based identification and continuous wavelet transformation for severity assessment," 7th International Conference and Materials and Reliability (ICMR-2024), Korean Soc Mechanical Engineers, December 3-6, The Westin Josun Busan, Busan, Korea.
Shin, J., Song, J., Hong, S.H., Lee, Y.J., Yoon, H.S., and Choi, J.H.*, 2024, "Vibration-based diagnosis method for grinding noise detection in automotive power door system," 7th International Conference and Materials and Reliability (ICMR-2024), Korean Soc Mechanical Engineers, December 3-6, The Westin Josun Busan, Busan, Korea.
Oh, S., Song, J., Hong, S.H., Lee, Y.J., Yoon, H.S., and Choi, J.H.*, 2024, "Exploiting sound quality metrics in squeak noise detection in automotive power window system," 7th International Conference and Materials and Reliability (ICMR-2024), Korean Soc Mechanical Engineers, December 3-6, The Westin Josun Busan, Busan, Korea.
Kim, J.H., and Yoon, H.S.*, 2024, "Structural color evaluation in hybrid pattern multi-layer structure and its application for battery-less sensor," 37th US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (UKC 2024), Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA)/Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST)/Korea-US Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO), August 21-24, Hyatt Regency SF Airport, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Song, J.W., Choi J., Shin, J., Oh, S., Hong, S.H., Lee, Y.J., Yoon, H.S., and Choi, J.H.*, 2024, "Advancing durability testing in automotive component through prognostics and health management (PHM) integration," 8th European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME24), The Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM Society), July 2-5, Occidental Praha Hotel, Prague, the Czech Republic.
Shin, J.H., Kim, S.W., and Yoon, H.S.*, 202, 2023, "Analysis of plastic deformation during straightening of heat-treated ball screws," International Conference on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing (PRESM) 2023, Korean Soc Precision Eng, July 16-21, Bankoku Shinryokan, Okinawa, Japan.
Kim, J.H, and Yoon, H.S.*, 2022, "Orthogonal cutting of soda-lime glass under various lubrication conditions," International Conference on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing (PRESM) 2022, Korean Soc Precision Eng, July 20-22, Jeju Booyoung Hotel and Resort, Jeju, Korea.
Shin, J.H., Kim, S., and Yoon, H.S.*, 2022, "Construction of ball screw straightening process with a variety of heat treatment," International Conference on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing (PRESM) 2022, Korean Soc Precision Eng, July 20-22, Jeju Booyoung Hotel and Resort, Jeju, Korea.
Yoon, H.S.*, and Lee, Y.J., 2022, "Tool life prediction using accumulated power consumption under varying cutting conditions," International Conference on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing (PRESM) 2022, Korean Soc Precision Eng, July 20-22, Jeju Booyoung Hotel and Resort, Jeju, Korea.
Shin, J.H., and Yoon, H.S.*, 2021, "Collaborative UAV platform for effective transport," 2021 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2021), Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (KSAS), Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (JSASS), Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA), and Australian Division of the Royal Aeronautical Society, November 15-17, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Lee, Y.J., and Yoon, H.S.*, 2021, "Prediction of cutting tool wear for eco-friendly machining," International Conference on Energy, Aquatech and Sustainability (ICEAS2021), Academic Society for Appropriate Technology (ASAT), August 11-13, Seoul National University, Siheung Campus, Siheung, Korea.
Hope for a quick recovery from the COVID-19.
Kwon, S.B., Nagaraj, A., Yoon, H.S., and Min, S.*, 2019, "A study of material removal behavior during ultra-precision machining of single crystal sapphire using a slip/fracture activation model," International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) 2019, The Americal Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), November 11-14, Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
Yoon, H.S., Kwon, S.B., Nagaraj, A., and Min, S.*, 2019, "Stress visualization in the scribing of yttria-stabilized zirconia for improved process throughput," 69th CIRP General Assembly, CIRP (College International pour la Recherche en Productique), August 18-24, The International Convention Centre (ICC), Birmingham, UK, Part II, Scientific Technical Committee CUTTING.
Yoon, H.S.*, Kim, H.Y, and Lee, J.H., 2019, "Sustainability analysis on machining of titanium alloys," 32nd US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC 2019), Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA)/Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), August 14-17, Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont, IL, USA.
Min, S.*, Nagaraj, A., Kwon, S.B., and Yoon, H.S., 2019, "Crack removal and residual stresses during subsequent machining of sapphire," 32nd US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC 2019), Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA)/Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), August 14-17, Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont, IL, USA.
Nagaraj, A., Kwon, S.B., Yoon, H.S., and Min, S.*, 2019, "Crack removal behavior in ultra-precision machining of sapphire," 47th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC 47), The North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI/SME), June 10-14, Penn State Behrend's School of Engineering Bayfront Convention Center, Erie, PA, USA.
Yoon, H.S.*, 2018, "Power consumption modeling of machine tools for smart sustainable manufacturing," International Conference on Energy and Sustainability (ICES) 2018, Seoul National University, October 17-19, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Yoon, H.S., Kwon, S.B., Nagaraj, A., Lee, S., and Min, S.*, 2018, "Study of stress intensity factor on the anisotropic machining behavior of single crystal sapphire," 68th CIRP General Assembly, CIRP (College International pour la Recherche en Productique), August 19-25, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Part I.
Yoon, H.S., Kwon, S.B., Nagaraj, A., Lee, S., and Min, S.*, 2018, "Investigation of process parameters in ductile-brittle transition of single crystal sapphire," International Symposium on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing (PRESM) 2018, Korean Soc Precision Eng, July 3-7, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan.
Yoon, H.S., Lee, S., and Min, S.*, 2018, "Investigation of ductile-brittle transition in machining of yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YSZ)," 46th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC 46), The North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI/SME), June 18-22, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA.
2014 - 2017
Ahn, S.H.*, Choi, J.O.*, Lee, H.T., Song, J.H., Kim, M.S., Yoon, H.S., and Cha, S.W., 2017, "Effect of laser-excited ceramic nanoparticles on hardness and porosity of dry-sprayed coating," 67th CIRP General Assembly, CIRP (College International pour la Recherche en Productique), August 20-26, Lugano Convention Center, Lugano, Switzerland, Part I.
Yoon, H.S., Singh, E., and Min, S.*, 2017, "A machine-based power consumption model for machine tools," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2017, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 27-July 1, Hwabaek International Convention Center, Gyeongju, Korea.
Lee, G.Y., Kim, M.S., Yoon, H.S., Yang, J., Ihn, J.B.*, and Ahn, S.H.*, 2017, "Direct printing of strain sensors via nanoparticle printer for the applications to composite structural health monitoring," 1st CIRP Conference on Composite Materials Parts Manufacturing (CIRP CCMPM) 2017, CIRP (College International pour la Recherche en Productique), June 8-9, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany.
Lee, G.Y., Ahn, S.H.*, Kim, M.S., Lee, H.T., and Yoon, H.S., 2017, "Nanoparticle 3D printer," The 7th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, Korean Soc Mechanical Engineers, April 19-22, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Yoon, H.S., Kim, H.J., Lee, G.Y., Kim, M.S., Kim, H.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2016, "Direct printing of strain gauge sensor using nanoparticles onto carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP)," The 10th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-10), Korean Soc Composite Materials, October 16-19, Bexco, Busan, Korea.
Ahn, S.H.*, Choi, J.O., Yoon, H.S., Lee, G.Y., and Lee, H.T., 2016, "Direct patterning of pre-excited nanoparticles by nanosecond pulsed laser," CIRP STC S meeting, CIRP (College International pour la Recherche en Productique), August 25, University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal, Part II-Scientific Technical Committee meeting.
Lee, G.Y., Yoon, H.S., Kim, M.S., Yang, J., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2016, "Direct writing of nanoparticles via aerodynamically focused nanoparticle (AFN) printing," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2016, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 21-25, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia.
Yoon, H.S., Jang, K.H., Kim, E.S., Lee, H.T., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2016, "Design and evaluation of micro cantilevers fabricated using nanoscale 3D printing system," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2016, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 21-25, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia.
Kim, E.S., Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Kim, M.S., Shin, Y.J., Ahn, S.H.*, Min, S.*, and Dornfeld, D., 2015, "Acceleration and deceleration characteristics of power consumption on machine tool feed drive," The 8th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21 2015), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, October 18-22, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan.
Khare, V., Yoon, H.S., Pham, M.Q., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2015, "Supported ionic liquid graphene membrane (SILGM) as novel lubricant for micro-end milling," The 18th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT 2015), Korean Soc Precision Eng, October 4-7, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Kim, M.S., Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Kim, E.S., Shin, Y.J., Kim, S.Y., Min, S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2015, "Simplified energy measurement methods for comparison of hardware efficiency of various machine tools," The 18th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT 2015), Korean Soc Precision Eng, October 4-7, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Ahn, S.H.*, Yoon, H.S., Jang, K.H., Kim, E.S., Lee, H.T., Lee, G.Y., Kim, C.S., and Cha, S.W., 2015, "Nanoscale 3D printing process using aerodynamically focused nanoparticle (AFN) printing, micro-machining, and focused ion beam (FIB)," 65th CIRP General Assembly, CIRP (College International pour la Recherche en Productique), August 23-29, The Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC), Cape Town, South Africa, Part I.
Yoon, H.S., Kim, E.S., Jang, K.H., Lee, G.Y., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2015, "Direct patterning of micro conductive line using AFN Printing," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2015, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 23-27, Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao, China.
Yoon, H.S., Jang, K.H., Kim, E.S., Lee, H.T., Park, H., Kim, D.W., Kim, C.S., Lee, G.Y., Lee, K., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2015, "CAD/CAM and design for manufacturing (DFM) rules for novel 3D nanoscale printing process," 4th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (CIRP sponsored conference), CIRP, NSERC CANRIMT (Canadian Network for Research and Innovation in Machining Technology), June 2-5, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Min, S.*, Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Kim, M.S., Kim, E.S., Shin, Y.J., Kim, S.Y., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2015, "Assessment on power consumption of machine tool feed drive units," The 8th Manufacturing Institute for Research on Advanced Initiatives (MIRAI 2015), Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC), March 25-26, MIRDC, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Kim, M.S., Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Kim, E.S., Shin, Y.J., Kim, S.Y., Yoon, Y., Cho, J.H., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2014, "Energy evaluation process of machine tools - case study: Milling machine," International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (ICMTE) 2014, Korean Soc Manuf Technol Eng, September 30-October 2, Jeju KAL Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Kim, M.S., Kim, E.S., Shin, Y.J., Kim, S.Y., Min, S., Won, J.Y., Cho, J.H., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2014, "Empirical assessment on power consumption of feed drive systems for machine tools," International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (ICMTE) 2014, Korean Soc Manuf Technol Eng, September 30-October 2, Jeju KAL Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Yoon, H.S., Lee, H.T., Kim, E.S., Jang, K.H., Bilegt, E., Lee, G.Y., Kim, C.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2014, "Micro-scale multi-material structure fabricated by aerodynamically focused nanoparticle (AFN) printing," International Aerosol Conference (IAC), Korean Association for Particle and Aerosol Research, August 28-September 2, BEXCO, Busan, Korea.
Lee, G.Y., Yoon, H.S., Kim, C.S., Ahn, S.H.*, and Chun, D.M., 2014, "Fabrication of 3D silver structures using aerodynamically focused nanoparticle (AFN) printing," CIRP STC S meeting, CIRP (College International pour la Recherche en Productique), August 28, Nantes, France, Part II-Scientific Technical Committee meeting.
Lee, H.T., Kim, C.S., Yoon, H.S., Jang, K.H., Choi, J.O., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2014, "In-situ characterization of nano-structures fabricated by focused ion beam (FIB) and nano particle deposition system (NPDS)," ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), August 17-20, Buffalo Niagara Convention Center, Buffalo, NY, USA.
Lee, J.Y., Yoon, H.S., Kim, M.S., Kim, E.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2014, "Developing energy consumption model and application to verifying energy saving strategies," US-Korea Conference (UKC) 2014, Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association, August 6-9, Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Lee, H.T., Yoon, H.S., Jang, K.H., Kim, C.S., Choi, J.O., Kim, S.Y., Song, J.H., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2014, "In-situ nanomechanical property test for barium titanate structure fabricated by nano particle deposition system," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2014, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 24-28, Busan Paradise Hotel, Busan, Korea.
Yoon, H.S., Kim, S.Y., Song, J.H., Choi, J.O., Jang, K.H., Lee, H.T. and Ahn, S.H.*, 2014, "Selective patterning of nano particle deposition system (NPDS) through surface treatment on substrate," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2014, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 24-28, Busan Paradise Hotel, Busan, Korea.
Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Kim, M.S., Kim, E.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2014, "Empirical study of the power efficiency of various machining processes," 6th CIRP International Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC), CIRP (College International pour la Recherche en Productique), UC Berkeley, June 23-25, Berkeley, CA, USA.
2010 - 2013
Yoon, H.S., Kim, C.S., Lee, H.T., Jang, K.H., Park, H. Chu, H., Lee, K., Jang, D.Y., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2013, "Decentralization of defects in focused ion beam using scanning path generation," Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE) 2013, Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, August 12-14, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea.
Lee, G.Y., Chu, W.S., Lee, K.T., Bhandari, B., Kim, M.S., Kim, H.S., Park, J.I., Bilegt, E., Lee, J.Y., Yoon, H.S., Park, G.H., Min, K.W., Kang, Y.S., Song, J.H., Song, C.K., Lee, C.S., Ahn, S.H.* et al., 2013, "An optimal design and performance evaluation of Korean traditional Ondol system in varying Gorae geometry application of Goguryeo style Jjok Gudeul," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2013, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 25-29, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Ohau, HI, USA.
Kim, C.S., Lee, G.Y., Choi, J.O., Lee, H.T., Park, J.I., Yoon, H.S., Ahn, S.H., and Jang, D.Y.*, 2013, "Fabrication and actuation of smart functional nanostructure by focused ion beam with 4-axes nanomanipulator," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2013, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 25-29, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Ohau, HI, USA.
Chu, H., Park, H., Kim, C.S., Yoon, H.S., Ahn, S.H., and Lee, K.*, 2013, "Integrated process-planning framework for hybrid nano-scale manufacturing using NPDS and FIB," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2013, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 25-29, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Ohau, HI, USA.
Lee, K.T., Bhandari, B., Chu, W.S., Lee, G.Y., Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Bilegt, E., Park, J.I., Kim, M.S., Song, J.H., Lee, C.S., Song, C.K., Ahn, S.H.*, et al., 2013, "Installation of off-grid hybrid power generation system and smart grid in remote mountainous village of Nepal," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2013, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 25-29, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Ohau, HI, USA.
Lee, J.Y., Kim, M.S., Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.C., Moon, J.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2013, "Control of cutting parameters using relative vibration of milling tool to workpiece for chatter prediction," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2013, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 25-29, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Ohau, HI, USA.
Kim, M.S., Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Lee, J.C., Moon, J.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2013, "Energy consumption model using electrical load in milling machine," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2013, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 25-29, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Ohau, HI, USA.
Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Kim, M.S., Kim, E.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2013, "Effect of scale of machining hardware on energy consumption," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2013, Korean Soc Precision Eng, June 25-29, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Ohau, HI, USA.
Moon, J.S., Yoon, H.S., Lee, G.B. and Ahn, S.H.*, 2012, "Evaluation of backstitch tool path strategy for stability and productivity in micro-drilling," ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), November 9-15, Hilton Americas Houston and George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, USA.
Yoon, H.S., Moon, J.S., Pham, M.Q., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2012, "Decomposition of energy consumptions in micro-drilling process," International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (ICMTE) 2012, Korean Soc Manuf Technol Eng, October 18-19, Millennium Seoul Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
Pham, M.Q., Yoon, H.S., Moon, J.S., Khare, V. and Ahn, S.H.*, 2012, "Application of ionic liquid as novel lubricant in micro milling ," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2012, Korean Soc Precision Eng, August 27-29, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Moon, J.S., Yoon, H.S., Lee, G. B. and Ahn, S.H.*, 2012, "Effect of micro-drilling sequence on PCB manufacturability," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2012, Korean Soc Precision Eng, August 27-29, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Lee, K.T., Yoon, H.S. and Ahn, S.H.*, 2012, "Evaluation of roof crashworthiness and passenger safety under rollover," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2012, Korean Soc Precision Eng, August 27-29, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Yoon, H.S., Lee, K.T., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2012, "A Kinect-based measurement system for roof deformation caused by vehicle rollover," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2012, Korean Soc Precision Eng, August 27-29, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Yoon, H.S., Moon, J.S., Pham, M.Q., Lee, G.B., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2012, "Construction of energy cost model for PCB drilling<," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2012, Korean Soc Precision Eng, August 27-29, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
Yoon, H.S., Bhandari, B., Moon, J.S., Kim, C.S., Lee, G.B., Park, K.W., Song, C.K., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2012, "Energy analysis of micro-drilling process used to manufacture printed circuit boards," 19th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE), CIRP (College International pour la Recherche en Productique), May 23-25, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA.
Ahn, S.H.*, Bhandari, B., Lee, G.Y., Lee, K.T., Yoon, H.S., Kim, D.H., Song, S.H., Moon, J.S., Kim, S.I., Kim, Y.H., Kim, H.C., Yu, S.K., Eun, W.J., Jeong, H.S., and Maskey, R., 2011, "Off-grid sustainable small-scale photovoltaic (PV) project in high altitude region of Nepal," International Conference on Appropriate Technology, Scientists and Engineers Without Borders, December 2, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Bhandari, B., Hong, Y.S., Yoon, H.S., Lee, J.C., Moon, J.S., Dornfeld, D.A., Linke, B.S., Huang, Y.C., Lee, G.B., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2011, "Development of micro drilling burr control chart based on Taguchi methods for PCB drilling," Asian Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN) 2011, Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, November 16-18, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Best Paper Award.
Yoon, H.S., Hong, Y.S., Bhandari, B., Moon, J.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2011, "Energy saving in micro-drilling for PCB manufacturing by controlling drilling conditions," Asian Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN) 2011, Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, November 16-18, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Bhandari, B., Lee, G.Y., Lee, K.T., Yoon, H.S., Kim, D.H., Song, S.H., Moon, J.S., Maskey, R., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2011, "Off-grid sustainable small-scale photovoltaic (PV) project in high altitude region of Nepal," Addressing Climate Change for Sustainable Development through Up-scaling Renewable Energy Technologies, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC)/Ministry of Environment/Government of Nepal, October 12-14, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Maskey, R., Bhandari, B., Lee, G.Y., Lee, K.T., Yoon, H.S., Kim, D.H., Song, S.H., Moon, J.S., Kim, S.I., Kim, Y.H., Kim, H.C., Yu, S.K., Eun, W.J., Jeong, H.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2011, "Solar generating system installation and a study on the efficiency monitoring in high altitude village in Nepal," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2011, Korean Soc Precision Eng, October 6-7, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Cho, Y.M., Hong, Y.S., Lee, K.S., Yoon, H.S., Moon, J.S., Choi, H.U., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2011, "Condition monitoring for gearbox of wind power generation system using wavelet packet transform," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2011, Korean Soc Precision Eng, October 6-7, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Chun, D.M., Kim, H.J., Yoon, H.S., Song, S.H., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2011, "Study of multi-dimensional design approach for simultaneous consideration of functional and environmental requirements based on multiple criteria decision making," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2011, Korean Soc Precision Eng, October 6-7, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Chu, C.H., Kim, H.J., Yoon, H.S., Moon, J.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2011, "Agent-based cost efficient process planning for micro milling," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2011, Korean Soc Precision Eng, October 6-7, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Linke, B.S., Yoon, H.S., Hong, Y.S., Bhandari, B., Moon, J.S., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2011, "Energy efficient drilling for PCB manufacturing considering lead time," International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) 2011, Korean Soc Precision Eng, October 6-7, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Ahn, S.H.*, Hong, Y.S., Lee, J.C., Yoon, H.S., Lee, K.E., Moon, J.S. and Lee, T.M., 2011, "Improvement of tool life of micro drill-bits for PCB manufacturing," SME 2011 MicroManufacturing Conference & Exhibits, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), April 5-6, Drury Lane Conference Center, Oakbrook Terrace, IL, USA.
Kim, J.S., Yoon, H.S., Kim, H.J., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2010, "Fabrication of soft morphing actuator based on polymer scaffold structure and shape memory alloy," International Symposium on Nature-Inspired Technology (ISNIT) 2010, Korean Soc Mechanical Engineers, October 14-15, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Lee, G.Y., Wie, K.H., Hong, Y.S., Yoon, H.S., Kim, M.H., Kim, H.J., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2010, "A study of tool pattern design for calcified-atherosclerotic-plaque removal robot," The 3rd IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (IEEE BioRob 2010), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Societies of Robotics and Automation/Engineering, Medicine, and Biology (IEEE RAS/EMBS), September 26-29, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Yoon, H.S., Wu, R., Lee, T.M., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2010, "Geometry optimization of micro drills using Taguchi method and response surface methodology," 7th International Workshop on MicroFactories (IWMF 2010), The Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea.
Kim, H.J., Kim, J.S., Yoon, H.S., Lee, G.Y., Choi, J.O., and Ahn, S.H.*, 2010, "Design of Soft Morphing Structures Made of Flexible Polymers and Shape Memory Alloy Actuators," 2010 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE) 2010, Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, August 26-27, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
* Corresponding author
Last updated: January 2023.